LPI NZ delivers exothermic bonding solutions to electrical engineers throughout NZ.

By creating an alumino-thermic reaction to weld metals, we create a simple, efficient and high-quality metal connection.

What is exothermic welding?

The exothermic welding process is a method of making electrical connections of copper-to -copper or copper-to-steel in which no outside source of heat or power is required

  • Granular metals (granular copper oxide and aluminum) are placed into a graphite crucible and ignited.
  • The reduction of copper oxide by the aluminum (exothermic reaction) produces molten copper and aluminum oxide slag.
  • The slag floats to the surface and the disk melts, allowing molten copper to flow into the weld cavity and complete the weld and it solidifies.
  • The mold is removed and readied for the next weld and the process only takes seconds.

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